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#ICT4HR: ICT For Human Rights

This report aims to provide new knowledge and experience of the nexus between protection and promotion of human rights and the use of Information and Communication Technologies, a subject that has not received a lot of attention until recently.

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The linkage between information and communication technologies (ICT) and human rights is a subject that has not received a lot of attention until recently. A new report, ICT for Human Rights, is an effort to contribute to the studies in this field by providing new knowledge and experience of the nexus between protection and promotion of human rights, and the use of ICT.

The study has been led by Professor Molly Land at New York Law School and her colleagues. Within the World Bank, Tiago Peixoto from the WBI and Hans-Otto Sano of the Nordic Trust Fund were involved in commissioning the work. A series of consultations were held between the World Bank staff and Professor Land and her colleagues, including other members of the writing team — Patrick Meier, Mark Belinsky and Emily Jacobi. Patrick Boyle, Christoph Doellefeld, Adam Gartenberg, Meredith Hutchison, John Kelly, Joe Raffanello and Carl Zander provided excellent research and drafting assistance. After a review of the draft in May 2012 by Mr. Weber, Mr. Peixoto and Mr. Sano, the final report was presented by Professor Land at a broader World Bank team on July 17th, 2012.

The study's co-sponsor ODTA-ICT4Gov project at the WBI has now run for nearly three years, supported by the Nordic Trust Fund and directed by WBI’s Senior Governance Specialist Boris Weber. While most of the work of the project highlighted in this report focuses on country activities in the intersection of governance and human rights, the report opens the space for learning at a general and cross-cutting level, including reports from a number of country case studies in Eastern Africa, in Central America, and globally.

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OPCS Nordic Trust Fund
Open Development Technology Alliance
World Bank Institute

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