This workshop will provide the stakeholders in Moldova and Macedonia jointly with international experts and an international audiences joining by video and live webcast to discuss next steps in the area of open budget data in the context of Moldova and Macedonia’s emerging open government ecosystems, based on an overview of international best practices in this area.
Provision of new information and instruments ensuring transparency of the allocation and use of public expenditure is an essential element of open government frameworks adopted in a number of countries. Many of them have launched open government data initiatives addressing this issue. The World Bank is helping its client countries in their efforts to enhance budget spending transparency by making available a new tool called BOOST, which collects and compiles detailed data on public expenditures from national Treasury systems and presents it in a simple user-friendly format.
Moldova is among almost 30 countries where BOOST databases have been developed to date. Moreover, the government Moldova has worked with the BOOST team to increase the transparency of public spending by making the full set of public expenditure data available on the web through its Open Data portal. Moldova’s Open Government Draft Action Plan contains a commitment to further strengthen budgetary transparency through the publication and constant update of the Moldova BOOST.
For more information, including an agenda available for download, visit the event information page here.
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