Tuesday May 1 2012 | 10:00 - 12:30pm | Room I 2-250 (1850 Eye Street NW)
Watch live here. External visitors, please RSVP .
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“Check My School” (view the site here) is an interactive platform and a comprehensive database on the government's education services that allows parents, students and educators in the Philippines to monitor school funding and report on any issues, such as teacher absence or misuse of funds. The project was launched by the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability East Asia and the Pacific (ANSA-EAP).
Following the path of the Philippines, Moldova has been developing a similar platform.
This event will address the results one year into the project in the Philippines and how Moldova is learning from CheckMySchool. Issues of scale and replication will also be discussed.
Presenter: Dondon Parafina, Network Coordinator, Affiliated Network for Social Accountability, EAP Region
• Aleem Walji, Manager, World Bank Institute Innovation Practice
• Oleg Petrov, Knowledge Coordinator, World Bank ICT Sector Unit
• Michael Trucano, Senior ICT & Education Specialist, World Bank Human Development Network
Moderator: Rachel Winter-Jones, Senior Communications Officer, World Bank Institute
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