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Call For Feedback: Amplifying Citizen Voices through Technology

The review process for the four draft How-to Notes, outlined below, has ended. We are grateful to the many reviewers for their valuable comments. The authors will carefully review and consider all comments when finalizing the notes. The final versions of the How-To Notes will be published on the this website and announced in the World Bank blog forum.

Meanwhile, we invite you to review and provide feedback for a new draft How-To Note, "Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to Improve Transparency in Bank-Financed Projects", available under the following link.


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The Open Development Technology Alliance, in collaboration with the World Bank's OPCS' Governance and Anticorruption Team (GAC) and the Social Development Network (SDV), is holding a consultation period to invite feedback on four short How-To reports.


These draft papers explore the role information and communication technologies (ICTs) can play to enhance governance, strengthen social accountability mechanism and ultimately improve development outcomes.

Please review the documents and submit your feedback on these new draft reports on the IC4D Blog:

Towards Open Government Data for Enhanced Social Accountability

The release of open government data has become a major policy objective for governments around the world. However, the ways in which this data can lead to development outcomes and strengthen social accountability often remain obscure. This note therefore sheds light on the demand side of open data. Relying on a variety of best practice examples, it suggests how open data initiatives should be designed and implemented to enhance social accountability.

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Valuing Information - A Framework for Evaluating the Impact of ICT Programs

The paper aims to unpack the link between ICT and development and provide operational teams with a framework on how to evaluate the impact of ICT programs. It applies Amartya Sen’s “capability approach” to the study of ICTs and thus places people’s well-being, rather than technology itself at the center of the analysis. Investment in ICT hardware, software and training is of little value unless individuals can make meaningful use of ICTs, resulting in sustainable improvements in people’s human well-being.

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ICT-Enabled Citizen Feedback Loops

The rapid spread of information communication technologies (ICTs) presents an attractive opportunity to collapse communication barriers and amplify the voices of citizens in development. ICT enabled citizen feedback mechanisms need to address more than platforms if they are to succeed, however. This note provides a guiding framework of five key components that should go into architecting technology enabled citizen feedback systems, as well as tools for project staff to identify and manage risk in order to maximize their success.


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Getting On the Map - A Community’s Path to Better Services
Maps have the ability to tell a story that becomes very compelling and hard to argue with,” as noted by Aleem Walji, Innovation Practice Manager at the World Bank. This note sheds light on "interactive community maps"-- an innovative development tool for marginalized communities that have appeared as blank spots on traditional maps. The idea of these maps is to harness the collective wisdom and knowledge of local communities to become drivers of development and improve the provision of public services. As part of the mapping process, local residents use basic GPS devices to map roads, pathways, and points of interest in their communities, and generate publicly available and multipurpose maps. On top of geospatial data, these maps also contain local news, reports, and stories shared by community members. Relying on best practice examples, the note walks through the design and implementation of the mapping process.


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To ensure transparency and inclusiveness, the ODTA, GAC and SDV have made these four notes available online for public review and feedback. Anyone is welcome to read the drafts and respond with feedback, particularly readers that include development practitioners, academics, students, civil society, public sector practitioners and citizens who care about these issues. Authors will review feedback and revise the papers based on discussions in the comments submitted on the IC4D Blog.

Main contacts:

Bjorn-Soren Gigler, Senior Governance Specialist, WBI, World Bank

Stephan Eggli, Operations Officer, OPCS, World Bank

Maria Amelina, Senior Social Development Specialist, SDV, World Bank